
Heart Broken Whatsapp Status | Sad Status Heart Touching | (Feel) Alone Quotes

In this rood world, nobody cares if you also can not yourself. When someone has broken your heart we feel alone. And we started to separate ourselves from the groups. In that situations, nothing is interesting and joyful which give us enjoyable moments. Even sometimes we also do not hear anything that’s happening, what’s going on etc.

Our intent is not to give you sadness but we are going to share the Broken Heart WhatsApp Status and also photo captions that dive you into the broken heart feel.

Broken Heart Status shows you how you are treating the world actually, And How the world is treating you.

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Heart broken status


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Just Because I am strong enough to handle pain doesn’t mean I deserve it.

A million words would not bring you back, I know because I’ve tried. Neither would a million tears I know because I’ve cried.

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Top Best Broken Heart Status:- Why are you Sad Status?

If you are searching for the lines and Heart Broken Status to post then this page has a broad collection.

When I am crying and someone hugs me, It makes me cry even more.


Back in school, They didn’t teach us what we needed to know, like how to deal with despair or a broken heart.


If it were supposed to feel good they wouldn’t call it a crush.


When I Cry about one thing I end up Crying about everything wrong.


Being with someone who doesn’t love you isn’t called loyalty, It’s called stupidity.


Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is like hugging a cactus; the tighter you hold on, the more it hurts.


Sadness is always the legacy of the past; regrets are pains of the memory.

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So if you are not seen yet the Sad WhatsApp status then look out for the options available to you. It wouldn’t be specified that being sad is wrong but it is that kind of feel that creates a lonely environment around you.

Heart Broken Status:- You will never be far from these feels

When you think highly of someone, You never know they will also think the same for you. The close ones always broke the heart that’s why we are serving here the Broken Heart Status. These lines are never far from you.

One thing always you need to keep in your mind. If you care about yourself then everyone cares, If you don’t then nobody.

And think about always becoming successful in your work because this will be sustainable than another person.

Read these Awesome Heartbroken Quotes that melt your Heart

“Technically, I’m single. But my heart is taken by someone i can’t have.”


“i’m falling apart

i’m barely breathing

With a broken heart

That’s still beating.”


“You can’t fly with a broken wing: you can’t love with broken heart.”


“A broken heart is what changes people.”


“I don’t remember what it’s like to not feel broken.”


“Hurt me with the truth.

But never comfort me with a lie.”


“You didn’t break my heart: You freed It.”


“You are the most beautiful thing i keep inside my heart.”


“Sad things happen. They do. But we don’t need to live sad forever.”


“I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me, because your actions spoke the truth.”

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Feeling Alone Heart Broken Quotes

You Stole my heart then tore it apart. I guess some things don’t end as they start.


I don’t understand why i care so much when you don’t care at all.


“I wish i could hurt you the way you hurt me. But i know that if i had the chance, I wouldn’t do it.”


“I am not alone, because loneliness is always with me….”


“The saddest thing is our relation is broken….”


“Allow god to take all the shattered pieces of your heart so he can give you a new one.”


“Rainbows always come after the darkest storm.”


“Don’t be sorry, I trusted you. My Fault, not yours.”


“I cry, not because i am week. It’s because i have been strong for too long.”


“Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.”


“You didn’t break my heart, you totally destroyed it.”

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To feel how lonely you are, Best Heart Broken Whatsapp Status

Usually what you will do when you are sad, Sorry to ask it little bit occurred but if you share your feelings through WhatsApp status and Instagram story then these are the matched lines with your feelings.

“What’s more painful?


“When a person whom you trusted hurts you”

Or “the person whom you hurt, still trust you”..!”


You don’t die from a broken heart. You only wise you did.


I act like I don’t care but deep inside it hurts.


A broken heart will turn into a stronger one with hope.


When a girl cries over a guy, its normal. When a guy cries over a girl, he will never love any girl like her.

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Here you will get Feeling Broken Quotes

You know images express a lot but less than the videos. But you can share when you are feeling sad, also read here lines that matched your feelings or situations too.

Most of you looking for this kind of Sad Broken Heart Quotes to just make them strong from the inner side.

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sad broken heart quotes

heart broken status in english

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did i change or did you just stop loving me.


I’m Homesick for arms that don’y want to hold me.


Love is like a magic, But magic is just like illusion.


It Hurts but It’s Ok.. I’m Used to it.


It’s Hard to answer the question “What’s Wrong?” When nothing feels right


You Keep a lot to yourself because it’s difficult to find people who understand.


Not till we are lost.. do we begin to find ourselves.


Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind.

What is the saddest feeling for heartbroken status?

It may be the last message of her or him. For a long time, You are missing but did try to tell anyone. This feeling may be not good because somebody left us on the life road.

Even did not get peace from anywhere else, Like from your workplace, from your friend circle etc. If you want to read broken heart tears quotes then must-read here.

It’s very easy to find a new one. But it’s hard to find a true one.


Honest feelings and bad timing make the most painful combination.


The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling.


Hope you’d like these amazing best WhatsApp status. do not forget to bookmark this page.

Find More Quotes Here:- Breakup Status and Quotes

We know that this was the massive hit that you are looking for for the Sad Images Whatsapp Status. If you want to download the latest heartbroken status then must get it from here.

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